Lake Elsinore’s Complex Field and Laboratory Studies Provide New Insights
Canyon Lake Alum Treatments Prove Successful in Managing Water Quality – Recent study reports results from lake study on alum applications
Canyon Lake Alum Treatments Prove Successful in Managing Water Quality – Recent study reports results from lake study on alum applications
Residents of Canyon Lake recently witnessed the sixth application of alum to the main body, coves, and north causeway of the lake. With the support of the Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake Total Maximum Daily Load (TMDL) Task Force that is seeking to significantly improve water quality and ecology in Canyon Lake, the applications have proven successful in minimizing algae growth.
On Wednesday, April 27, 2016, the LESJWA Water Summit took place. Presentations were shown to detail how the current drought is impacting our region, what LESJWA is doing to further protect the local watersheds, the accomplishments made, and upcoming major projects to help reach water quality goals.
Public Information Meeting Encourages Community Involvement. Upcoming Canyon Lake alum application public information and outreach meeting welcomes community.
Meeting will be held on Wednesday, September 9, 2015 at 7-8 pm at Canyon Lake City Hall Council Chambers – 31516 Railroad Canyon Road. Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Subsequent to the April Alum application, an algae bloom was observed in several coves. As in the past, a press release was shared with the media indicating that the cause of the algae bloom in the coves was not the alum, and that the algae would likely dissipate over time.
The Lake Elsinore and San Jacinto Watersheds Authority (LESJWA) is requesting proposals from qualified firms for assisting LESJWA in the development and implementation of support services for a multi-year education and outreach program through community and media relations. Closed: RFP Public Education and Outreach Support Service Docuement One electronic copy of the response is to be …
Meeting will be held on September 18, 2014 at Canyon Lake City Hall Multipurpose Room – 31516 Railroad Canyon Road. Canyon Lake, CA 92587
Presentations include: San Jacinto Watershed Fly Through | Mark Norton from LESJWA | Kurt Berchtold – Pollution Control Planning for Lake Elsinore and Canyon Lake | Jason Uhley – MS4 Permits and TMDLs: Costs and Savings through TMDL Task Force | Pat Boldt – Agricultural and Dairy Operator Nutrient Reduction in the San Jacinto Watershed | Nemesciano Ochoa – Drought Impacts on Local Lakes and Watershed | Tim Moore – What’s Next?
Meeting will be held on January 14, 2018. 7-8pm at Canyon Lake City Hall Multipurpose Room – 31516 Railroad Canyon Road. Canyon Lake, CA 92587